Budget places to eat at in Arnhem

Budget places to eat at in Arnhem

Arnhem is home to many, many restaurants. From fancy fine dining to cheap meals. In this blog we will share our top budget places to eat in Arnhem with you. Fill up your belly with a great value for money meal.

Toko Rasarari – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

Since 1957 this Indonesian shop and restaurant can be found in Arnhem. Grandma Son still can be found in the kitchen at times, althoug she is well over 80 years old. Her daughter now runs the restaurant and it is a well known location to get some comfort food.

Note: service is not always fast, but just make it part of your night out and enjoy the company of friends and family. A good sized meal (good luck finishing) and 2 drinks will cost about €18,-.

Tip: order the Gado Gado. Vegetarian dish without you notice it with green beans and saté sauce.

Rasasari website

Vega Restaurants in Arnhem
Budget restaurant Arnhem

Chinese restaurant Ho Me – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

At Chinese restaurant Ho-Me you can get a big plate of food starting from €6,50! I’m not even talking about soups or snacks, no… a big plate of food. The setting can’t be discribed as ‘cosy’ but that is not a bad thing. Located in the city center at the Koningstraat No. 22 it is easy accessible and the Chinese meals will make for a good start hen going a night out on the town.

Ratelband Haphoek – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

For organic French fries, you have to go to Ratelbands ‘Haphoek’. Here you can get delicious fries with all kinds of toppings. “Frietje Speciaal” and “Patatje Oorlog” are some of the typical Dutch fries toppings.

The Ratelband family is very known in Arnhem. This family have been selling fries for over 70 years. The family is also known in the Netherlands but this has to do more with the father of the one who owns the chips-shop now. Emiel Ratelband can often be found in the Dutch news because of his, let’s say, different lifestyle. Rescently he asked the court to legaly change his year of birth from 1949 to 1973. You may take one quess if the court agreed with this or not…

Back to the fries: they are the best you can get in Arnhem as many Arnhemmers know. Lots of time a line can be found in front of the ‘Haphoek’. Make sure you also get a frikandel or kroket otherwise your meal is not complete. You can find the ‘Haphoek’ at the Roggestraat 31 in the city center.
Haphoek Arnhem
Dönerix Arnhem

Any Kebabshop – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

A kebabshop is always a good budget place to eat! You won’t break the bank and will be full after you finished the Turkish pizza, ‘Kapsalon‘ or shawarma sandwich.
Top locations in Arnhem to get kebab are:
Gastronoom Arnhem has several shops in Arnhem, take a look here for the locations. Known for their good quality food and easy access.
Chicko’s Place at the Looierstraat 1 in the city center in Arnhem. They offer a big selection of food to choose from like kebab, fries, pizzas and pide’s. Perfect for you and your crew when you can’t decide on that to eat after a night out partying!
DöneriX Arnhem. This small kebab shop can be found at the Korenmarkt in Arnhem. They make a great lahmacun and have many fresh ingredients to choose from. Top it off with some sambal sauce and you are good to go!
Restaurant Zula can be found at the Johnny van Doornplein 4 A. Besides being a normal sit down restaurant, they also have a ‘streetfood to go’ window. Will you get a döner kebab, Turkish pizza, hot dog or sausage from the gill? Their loaded fries are also a very polular dish. Why not make it into a ‘try them all’ challange with your friends? Sounds like a good idea to me!
FLFL Arnhem. Not kebab bot lovely vegetarian falafel! And, that is about all they sell so no stress from choosing outof a grand menu. Sometimes that can be a good thing! You can find this new falafel restaurant at the Jansstraat 22 in Arnhem.

Hapy Italy – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

For budget, fast and bulk you need to go to Happy Italy near the Arnhem Central Railway Station Great to combine with an evening at the Pathé Cinema next door. Can’t finish your meal? Don’t worry: You’ll get a doggy bag! There might be a line outside of the restaurant.. al looong line, but not to worry. Tables flip quite often and you won’t have to wait long to be seated. What is your favorite pizza?
Budget food Arnhem
Budget restaurant Eazie

Eazie – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

Near the Arnhem Central Railway Station you can find Eazie. A more healthy choise for ‘fast tood’. Load up with some rice, healty vegetables and some tasty sauce and enjoy your meal. You can take a seat and eat in the restaurant or grab your meal to take away.

Eazie website

A burger restaurant in Arnhem – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

No need to go to McD’s or Burger King. There are other options when it comes to buying a burger that is not from a massive chain. Get your burger patties at one of the other local burger joints in Arnhem like:
Fat Phills at the Grote Oord 14 for burgers, sandwiches and fries. A calories galore! Averything on their menu seems to be loaded with things like cheese, bacon/meat or sause. It’s making me feel hungry just writing about it!
You might know Meneer Smakers from their burger restaurants in Utrecht, but there is also a restaurant in Arnhem. At the Coehoornstraat 56 to be precise! Theu are know for their twist on regular burger toppings and also sell loaded fries and salads.
Budget food Arnhem
Dadawan Arnhem

Dadawan – budget places to eat at in Arnhem

For just €8,50 you can order a curry at Dadawan, located at the Gele Rijdersplein 15. This Asian-fusion restaurant is almost always full. So, you might have to wait outside for a bit before getting seated. But the menu is bigger than just curries. Order a hot stone bowl, a stone plate, sushi roll, burger of even a lobster! TIP: the cocktails are also very reasonably priced.

Dadawan website

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