Top thrift shops in Arnhem

Top thrift shops in Arnhem

What are the top thrift shops in Arnhem? We made a list for you so you can go out and explore these shops in Arnhem.

Here at ArnhemLife we decided to take a look at the topic of guilt-free fashion and to introduce you to the Arnhem-based secondhand shops that sell pre-loved clothing of good quality. Whether you are a fan or have never taken a step in such shop before, you will be surprised to discover that you don’t need to book a ticket to Berlin, London or New York to explore the endless possibilities of secondhand shopping. It’s all available within Arnhem’s borders: cozy shops all over the city, designed and organized with love and good eye for detail; ever-changing collections of women’s, men’s and children’s wear; unique pieces of clothing, shoes and accessories that you would probably have never considered/afforded buying otherwise; latest fashion and vintage; elegance and kitsch; and low, lower and the lowest prices.

Thriftshops Arnhem

Future is Vintage (Lawick van Pabststraat 209)

This shop is located in the ‘Burgemeesterswijk’ in Arnhem. Future is Now is the newest shop on our list and defelitely worth a visit.

It’s easy to shop for a whone new outfit here. With a vast pick of modern clothing and boots you will surely find items to your liking. Check the Future is Now Facebook page for opening hours and nice photos of their stock.

Made by Estrella (van Lawick van Pabststraat 97)

Made By Estrella is also located in the beautiful ‘Burgemeesterswijk’ in Arnhem. They sell designer clothes from Claudia Sträter to Prada. Not only can you buy 2nd hand clothes in this thrift shop but it is also a clothing repair station and offers dry cleaning services.

Do you want to sell clothing that belonged to you? Made By Estrella will sell it for you with a 40% return on the profit. Take a look at their website for opening hours and have a look yourself to see all this shop has to offer.

Top Thrift shop Arnhem

Appel & Ei (Beekstraat 67)

Appel & Ei is part of a nation wide thriftstore chain and can be found in 20 cities in the Netherlands. Lil & Yvonne run this location since 2014. On a daily base new items are added so you can make Appel & Ei a weekly stop during your visit to Arnhem city center.

The shop is set op very nice, it almost doesn’t feel like a 2nd hand shop! Appel & Ei also takes in clothing items you wish to depart from. They will try to sell it for you with a 40% return on the profit. Take a look at their website for an impression and opening hours.

LOT’s (Raapopseweg 76)

LOT’s looks like a place where you can get lost in all they cool clothing items they sell. You can find a selection in women’s, men’s and children’s clothing. Besides clothing they also sell kids toys and gift items.

Like the shops mentioned above, LOT’s also takes in items, but you need to check their website to see if that option is available at the moment because sometimes there is a temporary ‘stop’.

Top thrift shops in Arnhem
Winkel Jansstraat 1955 -1960 bron Gelders Archief

Jofel (Zwanenstraat 5A)

Next up, located in the heart of city center Arnhem is Jofel. Make your way to the ‘7 Straatjes‘ area and get ready to fall in love with this awesome vintage thrift shop.

This edgy shop has an amazing collection in fashion and accessories. If this is what -second hand- looks like, well, that is all we want to wear!

Take a look at Jofel’s Facebook page for weekly updates and cool photos of your futurure purchases.

Shopping in Arnhem

ReShare Store (Koningstraat 54A)

This Reshare Store chain represents the Salvation Army, a non-commercial organization, that supports a lot of good causes. The people that work here work as volunteer.

The proceeds that they get from the Stores enable them to do work and realize their vision: contribute to a circular textile chain, help people in need, offer beautiful and affordable clothing for every pocket and create employment for people with disabilities or a vulnerable position in the labor market.

Many brands and stores donate their unsold items to this chain, so there is a big chance you will find completely new stuff here. Take a look at the ReShare website for opening hours.

Terre des Hommes (Hanzestraat 213)

Terre des Hommes is a non-profit organization that supports the cause of putting an end to the child exploitation in all its forms all over the world (read about it in English on their website).

It is quite unique for a foundation: 40 Terre des Hommes shops can be found throughout the country. They are run entirely by volunteers, who are invaluable.

From almost never worn shoes to games like Monopoly. The Terre des Hommes shops sell secondhand goods of good quality, brought by people. All proceeds, after deduction of costs, go directly to our projects. The average amount yearly is about €1.4 million: a considerable contribution.

Have a look in the shop, maybe you will find some treasures for you to take home and that way help contribute to a good cause!

2nd hand shop Arnhem

2Switch (Westervoortsedijk 120, will relocate soon)

Another thriftshop chain is 2Switch. A real household name for when you need furniture for your house but they also have a good selection of colthing, shoes and anything you might need really.

This is also the biggest shop in our list of thrift shops. If you need to get rid of your household items and have no transport, 2Switch will come and pick them up for free. They will not pay you for your good though. If you buy a lot of stuff at the 2Switch shop you can get them home delivered, this does come with a small delivery-fee. Take a look at the 2Switch website for opening hours.

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