Student housing tips in Arnhem
Arnhem, it’s a beautiful city to live in and very student friendly. So we definitely understand why you would want to look for a room here. It might not be as hard to find a room here as it is in Amsterdam or Utrecht but some tips for student housing never hurt. Good luck with your quest to find a new home in Arnhem!
1.Start looking on time.
It might sound so cliche but it’s true. The sooner you start looking for a room, the bigger the chance you find a room on time. Especially if this is your first time living in a student house. You might need some practice finding good deals and learn how to make good impressions at housewarming nights.
2.Join FaceBook groups.
There are a few FaceBook groups for student housing in Arnhem, the most popular group is Woonruimte Arnhem Te Huur, with over twenty one thousand members. This is a good way to find a room because you can directly interact with your potential new roommates. It’s also a great way to promote yourself, the page allows you to post something about yourself and what you are looking for. Since there are thousands of people looking for a room it’s important you interact with the posts quickly. Turn on your notifications and never miss a new post!
3. Ask around at school/uni.
If you’re studying or working in Arnhem it might be a good idea to ask your fellow students if they know about any openings. After all, they are students as well and might be living in a student house as well. And if they don’t know of any openings right now, make sure they keep you in mind for openings in the future.
4. Know what you want.
This might be a given but it’s important. We understand you want to find a room and move in as quickly as possible but don’t lower your standards. The place you are gonna rent is gonna be very important to you the next few months or years even. This place is where you study, sleep, invite your friends over and make lifelong memories. So it’s important you are happy and content with this place.
5. Visit and join websites.
There are a lot of websites where you can find your new home, like kamernet. You just fill in the name of the city you want to live in and what kind of housing situation you are looking for. You also have the possibility of indicating how big you would like the room to be and what you are willing to pay for it. These websites usually are a bit less personal.

Here is a list of most popular districts for students in Arnhem to live in:
- Spijkerkwartier
- Sonsbeekkwartier
- Klarendal
- Arnhems Broek
- Arnhem Centrum
We hope these tips can help you find your new home in Arnhem! If you wanna get the know the city better you can download the Highlights of Arnhem Route in English here