How do you survive Blue Monday?

How do you survive Blue Monday?

To know how to get around it, we may have to tell you what it is first. Also referred to as “Depression Monday”, Blue Monday is known to be the most depressing Monday of the year. The name for this day was coined by British psychologist Cliff Arnall. In 2005 he devised a scientific formula showing that the Monday of the last full week of January is the most saddened and people feel the most gloomy. Reasons for this may be that Monday stands for the start of the working week. The holidays are also just over, it is dark outside and the summer holidays still seem so far away for many people.

Blue Monday 2021 will fall on January 25th, which is why we thought it would be so useful to prepare and give you tips on how to overcome this gloomy day. With this list we will help you survive Blue Monday!

hoe ontkom je aan blue monday

1. Take a walk.

We know it sounds cliche, but it really helps! Walking is an accessible way for most people to get their daily half hour of exercise. Walking is also good for the blood and heart vessels. Most important of all on Blue Monday: walking is relaxing. Take a nice walk through Park Sonsbeek, Zypendaal, Angerenstein or one of the many other beautiful parks that Arnhem has to offer and clear your head.

2. Treat yourself. 

Treat yourself to that DIY spa day you’ve been putting off for too long. Take that sheet mask from the bottom of the drawer in the bathroom and throw your legs up. Grab your favorite drink (non or alcoholic, we don’t judge) and try to relax. 

3. Give some extra love to someone else. 

Giving love makes us happy and we can all use it, especially on a day like today. Give your pet an extra treat or buy a flower for your partner. Who does good, meets well. 

Hoe ontkom je aan blue monday?

4. Order your favorite meal.

Nothing makes a person happier than their favorite meal. And if you can keep dinner easy one day, it will be today. Take a look at what your go to home delivery app has to offer, and maybe you can order from a new store to spice things up. This way you also support your locals! 

5. Reorganize. 

They sometimes say: ” a clean space is a clean mind ” and we agree. Clear out your closet and see if there are items in between that you can give away or sell. Or clear out the refrigerator and look for all the jars that are long overdue. This is guaranteed to give you a nicer feeling. 

6. stay in touch.

It is not always easy but it is important, especially on a day like today. Stay connected with your friends and family. Let us hear from you and seek support in each other. Plan a fun evening at an appropriate distance of course or via Zoom and tell each other about your day.

Do you want to go out and do something fun? Click on this link and download the Highlights of Arnhem Route in English.