Vesta building Arnhem by architect Diehl
Today you will learn more about the VESTA building in Arnhem designed by architect Diehl.
In the middle of the 19th century, along the Jansbuitensingel and Jansbinnensingel whole series of neoclassical houses were built. Since 1907, the life insurance company VESTA was based in two of these houses on the Jansbuitensingel (numbers 3 and 5). Between 1900 and 1907 the Vesta office was at the Jansstraat 24.
In 1930 Arnhem architect W. Diehl, who already had many major projects to his name (among others Luxor theater), received the assignment to design a new building in neo-classical style. It was commissioned by N.V. insurance company Vesta. On May 18th 1932 the Vesta building was opened. This was Diehls final major project in Arnhem.
This is blog No. 1 in a series about buildings designed by architect Willem Diehl.
VESTA during WW2
In World War 2 a “Kommando Luftwaffe II” established its base in the office. The building came out of the war with minimal damages as you can see in the photo below: most of the windows are gone but the building still stands! This is quite an accomplishment since al lot of buildings were bombed in Arnhem during WW2.
The former ‘ROYAL’ building, just across the street from the VESTA building is also designed by Diehl and dates back to 1925.

After a merger with insurance company Vesta Victoria (as merger in 2005, another part of insurance company Nationale Nederlanden), the building was empty at first, and it was briefly a squatted house in 1984 . After that the VESTA building fell into the hands of various property developers.
When Westermeijer Group bought the building in 1989, the building was restored for NLG 2,500,000.- (€1,100,000.-).

The inside of the VESTA building truly is stunning, beautiful and glamorous! Every where you look there is marble and golden chandeliers.
The red velvet carpet is the original carpet from 1930. That’s amazing! It still looked so good, hardly looks like it has been used at all.

At the entrance, in the main hall you and in the staircase you will find beautiful stained glass windows. They all depict a scene of farmers or regular people during their lives. From birth to death. This because most of the clients of the VESTA insurance company were as such “regular Joe’s”. The stained glass windows were designed by Jaap Gidding.

Building for Sale!
Yes that’s right, you could have owned the VESTA building! It was up for sale in some time ago. In 2001 the origional asking price was over €4.7500.00,- but it has dropped to € 2.200.000,- later on What a bargain. 😉
It is now offered as a rental property for businesses. The price is €125 per m2.