How to Find a Job in the Netherlands!

Sorry to start with some sad news, but when you don’t speak Dutch, the possibilities to find a job here are limited.

Rule Number 1: Learn Dutch And Do It FAST
When you want to find a job, you have to learn Dutch as fast as possible! When you’re looking for just any job, you might be in luck. They’re always looking for people to do simple jobs like cleaning or doing the dishes. We have several cleaning agencies in the surroundings of Arnhem, as well as restaurants and hotels, where they might need help. Just Google some restaurants, print your CV and go around the Korenmarkt.
Be aware: for these jobs (all jobs in the NL), you need to have an European nationality to work (or a permit that shows you’re a non-European citizen, but this is harder to obtain). And second: do not expect a high salary. It usually pays minimum wage, which is € 8,96 per hour (based on 40 hours a week, 23 years or older). More details here: Information about minimum wages in The Netherlands.
Also, try to check for “customer service” or “sales” related jobs. In general, there are jobs available in this line of work when your Dutch is poor or none existing. Also do not expect to get a very high salary here eihter: usually it lies between 1500 and 2300 euro gross a month.

Want A Better Job?
When you would like a big better job, you might wanna aim your efforts at the following big international “companies”: The Radboud University (based in Nijmegen)
The Wageningen University (based in Wageningen)
Planon (based in Nijmegen)
DNV GL (based in Arnhem
(do you know more companies where they might hire non Dutch-speaking people: then please let us know!)
Or start teaching a language! Cause when your native English, German, Polish or even Russian, you’ll be surprised how many Dutch people want to learn your language! And this can be done from your home. Just put an add on Marktplaats under the “diensten-vakmensen”– section. Here you can also offer your skills as a plumber, carpenter or anything else which comes in handy!

Job Agencies With Jobs Where Dutch Is Not Required:
The best website to find a great job is LinkedIn of course. Make sure you have an updated profile and changed your location into Arnhem area so employers or agencies can find you!
Other websites I can recommend are: Indeed, Nationale Vacaturebank and Monsterboard.
And then, the 30% tax rule (trust me, as a Dutch citizen I would have like to this discount as well).
The 30% facility applies to you if you were recruited outside of the Netherlands or seconded from a country other than the Netherlands to work in the Netherlands. Other requirements:
You have an employment relationship.
You have specific expertise that is not or is only barely available on the Dutch employment market.
You have a valid decision.
In the 24 months prior to your 1st day of work in the Netherlands you live more than 150 kilometres in a straight line from the Dutch border. See also the exceptions to the 24-month term and for people with a PhD.
Check the webpage of the Tax and Custom’s Administration for more details.
Any comments? I’m happy to help as an ex-expat.
Blog by Mabel at At Arnhem. We are always looking for new bloggers/vloggers! Interested? Let’s grab a coffee and meet. Contact us at
Tips where and how to find a job in the Arnhem/Nijmegen region can be found in this blog.